Teacher Salaries

Hey Fletch—Why do you utilize teacher compensation data for comparison data? I don’t necessarily believe they are compensated very well on average.

Fletch—Some folks don’t think teachers are paid a fair and living wage. During the […]

By |2024-03-18T20:48:54-05:00March 18th, 2024|Hey Fletch|

Talking to Visitors

Hey Fletch—We have a lot of people who visit our church but they don’t come back. We send out letters and emails to newcomers. Apparently these are not working. Any thoughts?

Fletch—I stumbled on an interesting […]

By |2023-11-30T10:04:53-06:00November 30th, 2023|Communication|

The Equality Act

Hey Fletch …  This week we had a leadership discussion around the Equality Act.  Our senior pastor brought this topic up in an elder meeting. It raised some questions worth answering or trying to answer. Our […]

By |2021-08-03T20:42:48-05:00March 30th, 2021|Legal & Insurance|

Code of Conduct

Hey Fletch … We are hiring a part-timer in the tech area. The candidate is a great person, well qualified and a new believer. The issue is that I think he is living with his […]

By |2021-03-10T11:35:37-06:00March 10th, 2021|Hiring|