Tiffany Henning has created a helpful guide in “The Church Hiring Toolkit.” She goes from A to Z, with:

Carve out position
A. Analyze current staffing structure for options and fit
B. Describe the job duties needed
C. Decide on position level, title, and pay range
D. Define what success looks like for this position
E. Listcompetenciesrequired

Create Job Description
A. Use Job Description Template Post Ad
A. Decidewhereapplicantswillsendresumes
B. Sendemailresponsetoeachresumereceived
to confirm it has been received
C. Track resumes on spreadsheet
D. Reviewresumes&rateexperience

See more in the PDF: 2019 HR Ministries – Church Hiring Toolkit

This Tool is from XPastor’s course Predators in the Church.

To learn more about preventing financial fraud, child sexual abuse and physical security issues at your church, see the Predators course.