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About Mike Bonem

Mike Bonem is a consultant and coach who loves to help ministries and their leaders grow in effectiveness to reach their God-given potential. He is the author or co-author of five books on ministry leadership, including "Thriving in the Second Chair" and "Leading from the Second Chair." His latest book is "The Art of Leading Change: Ten Perspectives on the Messiness of Ministry." Mike served for more than 10 years on the staff of West University Baptist Church in Houston as Executive Pastor. Prior to this, he had a business career that included consulting as a senior manager with McKinsey & Company and serving in senior leadership role in two environmental service companies. Mike obtained his MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in chemical engineering from Rice University. Mike can be found at mikebonem.com or [email protected].

Resisters Are Not the Enemy

This article is adapted from Mike Bonem’s forthcoming book, The Art of Leading Change: Ten Perspectives on the Messiness of Ministry.

In many arenas of life, we neatly divide people into two groups: friends and foes. […]

By |2022-08-23T12:45:23-05:00August 23rd, 2022|Team Culture|