Recent research indicates that high level marital satisfaction is insufficient to keep a marriage healthy by itself. Generations of broken families make it extremely difficult to practice what one has never seen up close and personal.

Then throw in mate poaching, emotionally charged friendships, low levels of internal self awareness, boundary wear-down, narcissism, unmet needs for comfort and distraction, and you have the perfect storm for moral failure. But besides all of that, lying in wait for another opportunity (Luke 4:4, KJV and the Message) is the Devil himself. It’s no small miracle to make it through life in ministry without burning out, blowing up, or a busted marriage.

Good marital health is a learned skill. You have just got to hunt for it in all the right places. This broadcast will provide you with some of those patterns to practice and cautions to stay away from others.


About Dave

Dave Carder is an expert on marriage and marriage counseling. He has worked worked in the areas of adultery recovery and prevention for over thirty years. With extended education from 6 colleges and universities, along with affiliations with five professional associations, a Discovery Health Channel documentary and many other media recordings, he brings a wealth of insight. Among his many books and articles, Moody Press published, Anatomy of an Affair. In the local church, Dave oversaw training and supervision of an extensive peer counseling program with 65 counselors. Learn more about Dave at


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