Two went into concentration camps in the Second World War. Their responses were dramatically different:

God is dead. The God of love, gentleness and consolation, vanished forever into the smoke of the human holocaust―Elie Wiesel

The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose―Victor Frankl

The webinar today is on the Pastoral Heart. It is about finding meaning and purpose where you are. Join me in the discussion with Luke.

Most of us pastors and the majority of the people who sit in our pews think the secret to being happy is to finally get the circumstances we want from our life. For you to love the life you already have, what must change first isn’t the version of the life that you have, but the version of yourself that inhabits your life. Real flourishing isn’t about your external circumstances, but your internal character. The true secret to experiencing flourishing is tapping into the Spirit that enables you to meet the six demands of life so you become the type of person who can love the life you already have.

About Luke

Luke, his wife Lindsay, and their three daughters live in Austin, Texas where he is the senior minister of the Westover Hills Church. He is the author of God over Good, Befriending Your Monsters, and How to Love the Life You Already Have. For a decade, he has hosted Norsworthy, a podcast that help his listeners navigate faith in the modern world,


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