Even though more than 90% of pastors say groups are the primary vehicle for discipleship in their church, anyone who’s been around church small groups know that groups can be hit or miss. Ryan Hartwig, Courtney Davis and Jason Sniff wanted to find out how to get more hits than misses.

Laser-focused on the group’s contribution to members’ spiritual growth, they present the results of their large-scale study of small groups pastors, leaders, and members in their book, Leading Small Groups That Thrive: Five Shifts to Take Your Group to the Next Level.

Tune in to learn to cultivate more thriving and growing small groups in your church, rather than mediocre and obligatory groups. Hear about their step-by-step approach to plan, launch, build, sustain, and multiply highly effective, transformational, healthy small group experiences where people grow spiritually together. As always, bring your questions for an interactive session!

We will focus on three vital starting points:

  • How do I cast a vision for small groups?
  • How do I paint a picture of next-level group leadership?
  • How do I get where I want to go? How do I map a plan to develop a thriving group?

Ryan T. Hartwig, Ph.D., is dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor of Communication at Colorado Christian University. He has taught courses in group, organizational and leadership communication, and he has led, trained and developed teams and small groups for more than twenty years in universities and churches.

His first book, Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership (with Warren Bird) was awarded the 2015 Outreach Magazine Leadership Resource of the Year. With a heart that beats for discipleship and leadership development, Ryan frequently speaks at conferences, retreats, and seminars; and writes for numerous church leadership publications.

Courtney Wong Davis, Ph.D.,is associate professor of Communication Management at Azusa Pacific University, where she serves as Program Director and teaches organizational, small group, and professional communication from a biblical worldview. Courtney’s research has been published in Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Communication Quarterly, and Southern Communication Journal. As an executive coach and expert in organizational membership, Courtney has studied and consulted with business organizations, church and parachurch organizations, and other nonprofit organizations for the last 15 years.

Learn more about Ryan and Courtney at thrivinggroups.com.