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About Blue Van Dyke

It's uncommon to come across a POV that is developed across the International Marketplace, Digital Marketing, Venture Capital and Executive Pastor. That dynamic blend of experience is exactly what gives Blue Van Dyke such a powerful and articulate position on church growth strategies. As the Executive Pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley in Peoria, AZ, he helped CCV grow from 4 locations to 10, which resulted in a 370% increase in weekly attendance; a remarkable achievement that he credits to God’s provision, terrific teaching & worship and a unified strategy centered on an individual’s journey of faith. In 2020 he founded The StudioC @ https://thestudioc.org, a full service agency that blends the power of digital transformation with the philosophy of church member engagement. The StudioC team has been in your shoes and serves church leaders around the United States to bring clarity and alignment to the process of member engagement using a solution that personalizes next step messaging. This team has a passion for the local church and wants to help you grow. When he is not traveling around meeting and mentoring with churches you will likely find him in one of three places:1) Enjoying solitude in the mountains 2) On a family adventure with his beautiful wife Crystal and their four adult children 3) Playing a round on the golf course. Exploring what member engagement means at your church? Feel free to reach out: [email protected]