Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hey Fletch … Our church is wanting to look at our leadership structure. In the last ten years we have grown from one campus to many campuses. We want to continue to grow in the future but don’t know if our current structure will best handle growth. Do you do consulting on this? What should we consider as our options?

DRF—You are asking a delightful question. I do help churches on issues like these and we can visit by email about that.

Some of the things that you want to consider are:

  • Society has changed in the last ten years and churches need to adapt to those changes. I don’t mean change the gospel here, but how we communicate and lead others with the gospel.
  • Look for what Christian Schwarz calls “functional structures.” Your leadership model should be based on the vision of the church and how to best implement it. The key aspect there is the ability of senior leadership to cast vision and empower others to implement it.
  • In addition to the senior pastor and executive pastor, consider having a small strategic team of key staff people and volunteers. My strong preference is for a team of six to eight people who meet weekly. These people need to be able to speak into church-wide issues, leaving their “departmental hats” off during the discussion.

God’s best to you as you move forward. I look forward to talking with you soon.