For years you’ve imagined that irresistible coffee hot-spot on the corner of your property that lures the community to your campus and increases the bottom line. But, you’re not sure how to pull that off without losing your focus, your non-profit status, or your mind.

In this workshop, Dave Milam, Vice President of Strategic Design, will walk you through the nuts and bolts of commercially developing your site while protecting your mission. He will be joined by James Cortez, Chief Financial Officer of Visioneering Studios.

About Dave

Dave Milam is the Vice President of Strategic Design at Visioneering Studios. He stands firmly at the intersection of ministry, design, and visual storytelling. Dave served in the church for over 20 years. Dave has a heart for guiding pastors through unique challenges of ministry to awaken the beauty that God has placed within them and their facilities. His writing has been featured in LifeWay, Outreach Magazine, Influence, Christian Standard and other national periodicals.

About James

James Cortez is the CFO of Visioneering Studios. James brings a diverse background in real estate development, property transactions, and construction, as well as over a decade of experience in finance and accounting. He brings a unique focus on stewardship and process improvement while highlighting and fostering effective design and creativity.