Our friends at Generis have created a great resource called The Offering Moment. They say, “The church has a unique moment, 52 times per year, to engage with their givers in a real and meaningful way. What is that moment? The ninety seconds during the typical offering. However, churches rarely handle this moment well. In many churches, the offering is treated almost as an afterthought. It’s clear that not much planning or time has gone into this opportunity. Instead of using this time in a manner that would excite and engage their givers, they allow tradition, routine, fear of the money conversation, and other baggage dictate how these ninety seconds are handled.

What if you could use this moment, this precious ninety seconds, to stir the hearts of your givers and galvanize a life of generosity? We created this resource for that very reason!”

This is an invaluable resource for the XPastor community.

Download it here.