The stewardship journey is not only the work of a faithful follower of Christ but those chosen to lead them. The church has a unique opportunity to provide leadership in encouraging the completion of essential documents that protect loved ones and provide a path to good stewardship.

From writing a simple Will and Health Directive to a Probate avoiding Trust, an estate plan is the next logical step in the church’s teaching on personal finance. In this presentation, Mike Prior shares about the early beginnings of a ministry that has grown to include 125 church and para-partners with 35,000 estate plans prepared and $1.7 billion in designated legacy gifts.

About Mike

Michael Prior is the President of Financial Planning Ministry, a national non-profit group based in Irvine, CA. Since 1982, FPM has provided Biblically-focused Stewardship education and support dedicated to Planned Giving through Estate Planning. Through partnership with over 120 ministries, FPM has established Will and Trust estate plans for over 35,000 members with charitable gift designations reaching over $1.7 Billion.

Michael holds a J.D. in law and a B.A. in Business Administration. He served as Executive Pastor of Central Christian Church in Mesa, Arizona (1987-1993) before serving FPM, its partners and members for over 25 years.