Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hey Fletch … I noticed that some of the data in XPastor’s Compensation Survey seems dated. I’m sure if you made a plea to all the XP viewers they would be happy to update a Salary Survey Spreadsheet for you. It’s always hard for us operating in the northeast to find good comps.

DRF—I liked your feedback and it is helping to improve the page. Here is what the page now says:

Data is adjusted for inflation as salaries tend to keep up with inflation over a multi-year period. Dr. Fletcher’s research over a decade has shown that church salaries match inflation over a five year period.

Many salary surveys hide their inflation adjustments. Many only show the “current” salary, which is an inflation adjusted figure. XPastor thinks that you are smarter than that. Church leaders want to see the original date of the data and the inflation adjusted salary. You can see the numbers change over time, so both original data and inflation adjusted amounts are given.

For example: A church submitted data in 2010 and again in 2018. For the Lead Pastor, the inflation adjusted salary from 2010 was within 0.4% of the 2018 actual salary.

We love this kind of input on the site. It takes the entire XPastor community to make this a great site!

Check out my next book, Smart Money for Church Salaries. We will be bringing 12 regional workshops around the country on that topic in the fall of 2018. This workshop is a great place to bring your SP, XP, Finance Director, Board member and next-gen staff.