2007 Seminar logo

I came back to RBC just RAVING about the conference! It was the best one ever. Everyone was terrific—what a team! Bob

Featured Guests

Todd Wagner

Todd Wagner

Todd Wager

Todd is the Senior Pastor of Watermark Community Church in Dallas.  He will speak from a recent event in the church which became national news, “Care & Correction: When Your Church Issues Go National.”

The newspapers screamed headlines such as “Is Public Shaming by the Church Legal?” and “Church, ex-member battle over discipline.” The story ran from coast to coast and was fodder in blog discussions, hallway chatter, legal circles and church meetings. A seminal event in dealing with a church member had been captured by the national media. In the past, churches has been accused of being “too soft” on members who stray from the path, but now a church was attacked as being strident and invading personal privacy. ABC News said:

A female member of the Watermark Community Church, a non-denominational evangelical church in Dallas, Texas, reached out to her pastor after her husband had an alleged affair with another woman.   But when the husband, identified only as “John Doe,” failed to reconcile with his wife, he said the church’s minister, Todd Wagner, shamed him from the pulpit.

Mike Buster

Mike is the Executive Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.  Many churches considering a building project and in the midst of a new building.  Mike has reams of experience in building projects at Prestonwood, as well as advising many churches in how to best shape their new buildings.  Mike will speak on “Buster on Buildings: So Many Churches are Building.”

Milfred Minatrea

Milfred Minatrea

Milfred Minatrea

Milfred is an author and missional church specialist.  He will speak on the Minister Function: The Nine Cultural Checkpoints of Missional Churches.  Milfred Minatrea is the author of Shaped by God’s Heart: The Passion and Practices of Missional Churches. You can also take the Missional Church Cultural Assessment on XPastor

Ron Moore

Ron Moore


Bill Northrop

Ron Moore & Bill Northrop

Ron is the Senior Pastor and Bill is the Executive Pastor of South Hills Bible Chapel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  They just finished a new building … and they thought the work was over with the construction. Church growth issues, staff issues, governing board issues. So many people want to build a bigger worship center, but the cost is far more than the building. What is the complete price of a new building for your congregation?

Egner BillBill Egner

Bill is the Executive Pastor of Christ Chapel in Fort Worth presents Case Study #4, Seemingly Little Decisions with Huge Implications—Three Options for Outreach.

Toby Slough & Jim Kuykendall

Toby Slough

Toby Slough

Toby is the Senior Pastor of CrossTimber Church of Argyle, Texas.  Many churches are growing by adding a video venue or a church acquisition.  Toby will speak on “”Catching the Wave of Multi-Site: One Church, Three Campuses, Four Locations, Seven Services.”  As one person saw the video venue experienced:

I walked in the darkened auditorium and saw Toby Slough pacing a sixteen foot path on the stage. On two side screens, I saw close-ups of Toby. There was a blink and Toby disappeared from center stage—then I realized that the life-size Toby was an image projected on a screen.

jim kuykendallAs the Founding and Senior Pastor of Cross Timbers Community Church, Toby Slough in just 5 years has seen the church go from birth to over 4000 in weekly worship. Part of the spiritual DNA of Cross Timbers is Toby infusing an alarming degree of authenticity into his sermons. He knows and talks about his strengths and weaknesses. Toby’s ability to talk about the needs and vacancies in his life can cause painful self-examination by a listener—leading to Christ-centered life change. God uses the sermons by Toby to bring the truth of the Bible into the lives of thousands of people each week. The “upside” is Toby’s approachability—he is “just” another guy who is wrestling with God in daily life.Cross Timbers has expanded from one building to a church of “three campuses and seven services” (even as this case was being drafted, CT went to eight services). To accomplish this, they employ what multi-site churches commonly call a “video venue.”

About the Seminar

Afternoon Case Studies

The key to the XP-Seminar is the format. After each 40 minute presentation, table groups examine the stated topic. This is an ideal opportunity to honestly evaluate an issue, to present a slice of ministry, and to get feedback from people in similar positions.

  • What new ideas can you take home from the case study
  • How will the discussion give you new insight into your church?
  • Where can you grow as you interact with others in similar positions to your own?

The afternoon sessions bring church case studies and experienced leaders to challenge our thinking. The case studies present models of ministry.

  • Cross Timbers Church in Argyle, Texas. One church of 4500, 3 campuses, 4 locations, 7 services. This case study will explore a church as it has recently launched into multi-site ministry. Is multi-site for you? What is this wave and how expensive is it? Is the bang worth the buck? Toby Slough, Senior Pastor and Jim Kuykendall, Associate Pastor, will share their experiences.
  • South Hills Bible Chapel outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They just finished a new building … and they thought the work was over with the construction. Church growth issues, staff issues, governing board issues. So many people want to build a bigger worship center, but the cost is far more than the building. What is the complete price of a new building for your congregation?

We had 110 Church Leaders at the ’05 XP-Seminar. We had 150 leaders at the ’06 Seminar.

XPastor’s Unique Educational Format

Each Case Study will be accompanied by a 10-20 page report, detailing the facts. But, the facts only tell part of the story; the in-person dialogue allows you to ask the pivotal question that will help your ministry.

Hone your work as an XP or prepare to be an XP. Share your church experience and get quality feedback in the discussion sessions. Currently there are no seminaries or seminars to prepare you to be an XP or enhance your XP role. This seminar is an ideal ministry enhancement and resume builder as it gives advanced study on church leadership. The mornings examine the role of the XP and the afternoons feature case studies of significant XP ministries.

Existing XPs, Senior Pastors, academics and outside speakers address the nature and role of the XP. The host is David Fletcher with Nathan Baxter & Warren Schuh. The leaders come from churches of different sizes asNathan Baxter is an XP in a church of 700+ and leads the pivotal discussion sessions for churches of 300-1400. Warren Schuh is an XP of a church of 5000+ and guides the interaction times for XPs of churches with more than 1400 in worship.

This seminar is ideal for new XPs, those desiring an XP position and XPs who want to grow! This is also an excellent time to develop deeper relationships with other XPs, the seminar leaders and the special speakers. Who has recently asked you about your XP ministry? Where else can an XP and Senior Pastor come and be challenged about church leadership and management?

More about the Seminar

The Five Functions of Church Leaders and Managers

Define and examine the five functions of an XP, what you need to know to do the job:

  • Administrator of resources
  • Catalyst for ministry
  • Mentor of staff
  • Minister in the congregation
  • Overseer of church-wide ministry

More that You Will Receive

  • Define the need of the XP:
    • Learn how to explain why your church requires an XP.
    • Learn the signs of an Senior Pastor nearing burnout.
    • See the historical trend in America for the central role of great preaching
  • Define the relationship of the XP and Senior Pastor:
    • Get out of step with your Senior Pastor and prepare to pack your bags.
    • The Senior Pastor is the one who casts vision, but the XP also has vision. What is the balance?
    • Who is the “boss?”
  • Basics of an XP job description:
    • How to write a job description that fits your church policy and polity.
    • What should an XP do in your church?
    • Have ongoing reviews of your job description
  • Various readings and books about the position: With assignments that pertain to practical ministry.
  • How church size varies the role of the XP: Answer the questions “Is this church too small for an XP?” and “Is this church too big for an XP?” And other topics applicable to the needs of the attendees.
  • Mentoring before and after the seminar is available for any student who desires it.
    • Receive help on preparing your resume
    • Based on a relationship, coursework and class interaction, list the instructors as references on your resume.
    • Continue mentoring by e-mail and telephone.
    • Receive advice on XP issues in your church.

From across the U.S. & Canada, people are coming to this two day seminar centered on leading and managing the church. It is ideal for Executive Pastors, Church Leaders and Senior Pastors. The Executive Pastor title is the most common one, but many positions function as an XP. Senior Pastors and church leaders come to improve their leadership and management skills. This is the only seminar available to hone Executive Pastors and Senior Pastors.


Wednesday, February 7

9:00 Registration—Continental Breakfast—coffee, breads & fruit
9:30 Welcome
9:45 “The 5 Functions of Leading and Managing the Church.” Dr. David Fletcher, Founder & Host of XPastor.org. David will put a new twist on the 5 Functions …
10:00 “Buster on Buildings: So Many Churches are Building.” Mike Buster, Executive Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas. Last year so many asked Mike to bring more perspective on building issues that we asked him to return …
10:45 Break
11:00 “The Minister Function: The Nine Cultural Checkpoints of Missional Churches.” Milfred Minatrea is the author of Shaped by God’s Heart: The Passion and Practices of Missional Churches and is a missional church specialist. Take the Missional Church CulturalAssessment on XPastor.
11:15 Small Group Discussion—creation of one line statements of individual strengths within the Five Functions.
11:45 Large Group Discussion moderated by David Fletcher. Citation of Five Functions.
Mark Carey SP, Fellowship Winchester

Mark Carey

Mark Brewster SP, Orchards Community

Mark Brewster

Lunch Discussion-Interactive Discussion with Teaching Pastor Mark Carey of Fellowship Bible Church of Winchester, Virginia—and Sr. Pastor Mark Brewster and new XP Matt Walden of Orchards Community Church of Lewiston, Idaho. Mark Carey is looking for an XP, while Mark Brewster just hired Matt this year. What does the Senior Pastor desire for the church? Get out of step with your Senior Pastor and prepare to pack your bags. The Senior Pastor is the one who casts vision, but the XP also has vision. What is the balance? Who is the “boss?” Included in the Seminar is this catered lunch.

1:15 Break
1:30 Case Study #1: Toby Slough (SP) & Jim Kuykendall (AP) of Cross Timbers Community Church of Argyle, Texas, “Catching the Wave of Multi-Site: One Church, Three Campuses, Four Locations, Seven Services.”
1:45 Small Group Discussion: “The Wave of Multi-Site”
2:15 Large Group Discussion with Toby Slough & Jim Kuykendall, led by David Fletcher
2:45 Break
3:00 Case Study #2: Ron Moore (SP) & Bill Northrop (XP) of South Hills Bible Chapel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; “And Now We Are In the New Building …”
3:15 Small Group Discussion: “Issues Brought on by New Buildings”
3:45 Large Group Discussion with Ron Moore & Bill Northrop, led by David Fletcher
4:30 Break for the evening. You are on your own for dinner and the evening.

Thursday, February 8

9:00 Continental Breakfast—coffee, breads & fruit
9:30 Welcome & Review of Wednesday
9:45 Break Out Groups

  • Large Group “Open Sessions”
    • Nathan Baxter, “Medium-Sized Churches” (Beverly Ballroom A)
    • Warren Schuh, “Mega-Churches” (Beverly Ballroom C)
    • Small Groups—by registration only (register at the Book Table)
    • Bob Feitl, “So You Are Building …” (Armstrong Room—2nd Floor)
    • David Fletcher, “Church Leadership in the Next Twenty Years” (Beverly Ballroom B)
    • Brad Leeper, “How Money is Raised for Your Vision” (Belclaire Room—2nd Floor)
    • David Lyons, “Hiring: How important is ‘personality’ or ‘chemistry’ vs. proven performance?” (Normandy Room—1st Floor)
    • Dr. John Reed, “Getting More Theological Education” (Beverly Ballroom B)
    • Dan Reiland, “Partnering with a Strong Personality” (Bordeaux Room—2nd Floor)
    • Frank Sommerville, “Legal Issues in the Church” (Miramar Room—1st Floor)
    • Barry Thompson, “Personal Transition” (Belfort Room—2nd Floor)
11:00 Break
11:15 Large Group Discussion moderated by David Fletcher
11:45 Break
12:00 Lunch with affinity groups, seminar leaders or new friends, catered lunch included in Beverly Ballroom or pick up a lunch outside the Ballroom and join Nathan Baxter for a “Presentation of Mentoring Resources” in the Belfort Room—2nd floor
1:15 Break
1:30 Case Study #3: Todd Wagner, Pastor of Watermark Community Church, “Care & Correction: When Your Church Issues Go National”
2:15 Small Group Discussion
3:00 Case Study #4:Bill Egner (XP) of Christ Chapel of Fort Worth, Texas. “Seemingly Little Decisions with Huge Implications—Three Options for Outreach”
4:00 Conclusion


Generis-2015-600For the third year as a sponsor, thanks to our friends at Generis Partners. True giving is a deeply transformative act. At Generis, we believe it’s less about raising capital and more about raising the spiritual consciousness ofpeople. It’s about meeting churches where they are and helping them achieve their own true vision according to their unique culture. Whether that entails a video venue, multi-campus site, or raising a daunting amount of capital, Generis consultants are ready to share the Leadership’s risk- because they understand it.Brad Leeperand his counterpart, Gerald Farley haveboth served inchurch leadershiproles and have real-lifeexperiences to offer far beyond that of most industryconsultants. Also, thanks to the help that Brad Leeper from Generis gives during the conference. These folks have a great servant spirit-get to know them!


ministersearch-logoFor the third year as a sponsor, thanks to our friends at MinisterSearch. Many have met David Lyons, their president, at the 2005 & 2006 XP-Seminars. MinisterSearch empowers churches to have access to a larger, more qualified pool of candidates. They also help reduce the time spent searching for qualified and competent staff and increase the retention rate among pastors and ministers. David Lyons, the founder of MinisterSearch says, “As church leaders, it is critical to utilize all available resources as quickly as possible when filling a pastoral staff position. I have talked with countless pastors and lay leaders who, after months of searching for one or multiple positions, recognize that there must be a better way.” Whether you desire to fill a ministry position or find a new place of ministry, MinisterSearch can help.



eccu-logoWe welcome the Evangelical Christian Credit Union as a sponsor. The Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU) is a trusted banking resource that shares your passion for kingdom impact.

With ECCU’s wisdom gained from more than 40 years of experience serving evangelical ministries, we are helping churches in all 50 states increase their effectiveness through biblically based banking, financing, and investing services.




guidestone_logoWe welcome GuideStone as a sponsor. GuideStone Financial Resources is one of the leading providers of retirement, life and health, investment management and executive planning services to the evangelical Christian community. Since 1918, we have enhanced the financial security of more than 180,000 individuals and reported $9.4 billion in assets as of Dec. 31, 2006. GuideStone offers its clients access to Christian-based, socially-screened investment funds for retirement, endowment and operational assets. GuideStone’s insurance products offer rate stability, the largest network of health care providers in the U.S. and a comprehensive suite of plan options providing quality care and protection for our participants and their families. For more information about GuideStone, visit their web site at www.GuideStone.org.


Leadership TransformationsWe welcome Leadership Transformations as a sponsor. LTi is a non-profit ministry which exists to encourage the spiritual formation of leaders and equip leadership teams to discern God’s unique will for their life and ministry. It offers leadership development, strategic planning, soul care, and assessments for church and ministry teams.

LTI is introducing the Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT). CHAT is a convenient, affordable, user-friendly online survey that allows you to get an accurate measurement of your church’s health in as little as 30 days. This 72-question assessment covers the cross-denominationally applicable church health principles outlined in Becoming a Healthy Church (Stephen A. Macchia, Baker Books, 2006). The report is designed to help you frame your strategic decision making for increased ministry effectiveness. It’s principle-based not program-based, so it won’t interfere with any of your current ministry programming. See more at www.HealthyChurch.net.

ServiceUWe welcome ServiceU as a sponsor. ServiceU specializes in web-based, event management solutions designed specifically for churches, nonprofits, schools, universities, festivals, and theaters. ServiceU offers three core products, EventU: Scheduling of events and resources by providing an online calendar, TransactU: Online donations, online payments, and online event registrations, and TicketU: Online ticketing and box office management. Founded in 1997, ServiceU is a trusted provider of online event management software to the nonprofit market.



Promotional Sponsors


church-executive-logoFor the third year as a sponsor, thanks to our friends at ChurchExecutive magazine. ChurchExecutive is a monthly how-to business information resource for 18,000 hands-on business administrators, executives and managers of the largest Christian traditional and contemporary churches, parachurches and megachurches-throughout the United States.



leadership-network-300For the second year, we welcome Leadership Network as a sponsor. Leadership Network brings together entrepreneurial leaders who are focused on similar ministry initiatives. The ensuing collaboration-often across denominational lines-provides a strong base from which individual leaders can better analyze and refine their individual strategies.

Peer-to-peer interaction, dialogue and sharing inevitably accelerate participants’ own innovations and ideas. Leadership Network further enhances this process through the development and distribution of highly targeted ministry tools and resources-including audio and video programs, special reports, e-publications and online downloads. In addition, Leadership Network partners with two important publishers, Jossey-Bass and Zondervan to give leaders access to the thought leadership and best practices of effective 21st century churches.

“It is great that you are putting on this important training event for Executive Pastors and Senior Pastors. This definitely fills a significant ‘gap’ in training for churches in North America.” Scot Williams, Senior Pastor, Big Valley Grace Community Church, Modesto, California

Breakout Sessions

Dr. Nathan Baxter SP-XP Leadership Coach

Dr. Nathan Baxter

Medium-Sized Churches

Warren Schuh

Warren Schuh


Bob Feitl

Bob Feitl

So You Are Building …

Dr. David Fletcher Founder, XPastor

Dr. David Fletcher

Church Leadership in the Next Twenty Years

Brad Leeper

Brad Leeper

How Money is Raised for Your Vision

David Lyons President, MinisterSearch

David Lyons

Hiring: How important is ‘personality’ or ‘chemistry’ vs. proven performance?

Dr. John Reed

Dr. John Reed

Getting More Theological Education

Dan Reiland

Dan Reiland

Partnering with a Strong Personality

Frank Sommerville

Frank Sommerville

Legal Issues in the Church

Barry Thompson

Barry Thompson

Personal Transition


  • Glenn Able (Executive Director-New Business Development), GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas, Texas
  • Buck Anderson (Director of Operations), Grace Bible Church, College Station, Texas
  • Derek Avera (Ministry Development Officer), ECCU, Brea, California
  • Nathan Baxter (XP), Liberty Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Dixie Beard (Director—New Business Development), GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas, Texas
  • Andrew Behm (Lay Leader), Fellowship Bible Church, Winchester, Virginia
  • Larry Bennett (SP), The Chapel in North Canton, North Canton, Ohio
  • Scott Benson (XP), The Crossing, Costa Mesa, California
  • Greg Bergman (XP), Blackhawk Church, Madison, Wisconsin
  • Randy Brandt (Business Administrator), First Baptist Church McKinney, McKinney, Texas
  • Mark Brewster (SP), Orchards Community Church, Lewiston, Idaho
  • Duane Britton (SP), Dove Christian Fellowship—Westgate, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
  • Eric Bryan (XP), Fellowship Bible Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Nathan Burns (XP), Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri
  • Mike Buster (XP), Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas
  • Bron Caddell (Regional Director—Insurance Marketing), GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas, Texas
  • Stacey Campbell (XP), Christ Community Church, Greeley, Colorado
  • Mark Carey (SP), Fellowship Bible Church, Winchester, Virginia
  • David Carothers (XP), Twin Cities Church, Grass Valley, California
  • Joe Casiglia (Executive Director), Faith Lutheran Church, Troy, Michigan
  • Bob Cavin (XP), Mimosa Lane Baptist Church, Mesquite, Texas
  • Tim Celek (SP) The Crossing, Costa Mesa, California
  • Steve Chappell (Pastor of Business Services), McKinney Fellowship Bible Church, McKinney, Texas
  • Roger Christian (XP), Piedmont Church, Marietta, Georgia
  • Rob Cizek (XP), Northshore Christian Church, Everett, Washington
  • Rick Clapp (XP), Vanguard Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado Alan Clother (XP), Abundant Life Church, Portland, Oregon
  • Patrick Coelho (XP), Redemption World Outreach Center, Greenville, South Carolina
  • Chris Cole (Ministry Development Officer), ECCU, Brea, California
  • Mike Collins (XP), Grace Church, Greenville, South Carolina
  • Phil Covell (Elder), Fellowship Bible Church, Winchester, Virginia
  • Pat Coyle (Outreach Pastor/Executive Team), Grace Bible Church, College Station, Texas
  • Chad Cunningham (X/AP), Cape Bible Chapel, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
  • Rob Curry (XP), Central Baptist Church, Ewing, New Jersey
  • Mike Davis (SP), Lucia Baptist Church, Stanley, North Carolina
  • Roger Dermody (XP), Bel Air Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, California
  • Dave Eberhart (XP), River Oaks Community Church, Goshen, Indiana
  • David Egelkraut (XP), New Song United Methodist Church, New Berm, North Carolina
  • Bill Egner (XP), Christ Chapel, Fort Worth, Texas
  • Pamela Evans (COO), Life Community Church, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
  • Gerald Farley (Stewardship Specialist), Generis Partners, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Rob Faulk (XP), The Church at Rocky Peak, Chatsworth, California
  • Bob Feitl (XP), Richland Bible Church, Richland, Michigan
  • Les Fleetwood (XP of Adult Ministries), Stonebriar Community Church, Frisco, Texas
  • David Fletcher (XP), Host of XPastor, Grace Covenant Church, Austin, Texas
  • Kiti Fowlkes (Church Administrator), First Missionary Baptist Church, Clarksville, Tennessee
  • Shane Gardner (XP), Hope Church, Dubuque, Iowa
  • Jeff Gehle (AP), St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Burleson, Texas
  • Gib Gerlach (XP), Westside Baptist Church, Gainesville, Florida
  • Steve Gibson (XP), Calvary Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Todd Halver (XP), Westover Church, Greensboro, North Carolina
  • Preston Hancock (XP), Red Mountain Community Church, Mesa, Arizona
  • Scott Hanson (XP), Second Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tennessee
  • Larry Henneke (Business Manager), Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Victoria, Texas
  • Hess Hester (SP), Southern Hills Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Brian Horn (Pastor Ministry Development), Grace Covenant Church, Austin, Texas
  • Don Hughes (Church & Ministry Leading Sales Director), ECCU, Brea, California
  • Deryl Hurst (XP), Dove Christian Fellowship—Westgate, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
  • Craig Irwin (XP), Heartland Alliance Church, Mount Gilead, Ohio
  • Charles Jackson (XP), New Covenant United Methodist Church, The Villages, Florida
  • David Kasselman (Executive Minister), Central Church of Christ, Amarillo, Texas
  • Ron Keener (Managing Editor), ChurchExecutive Magazine, Phoenix, Arizona
  • Kent Kohn, Bethany Evangelical Free Church, West Salem, Wisconsin
  • Les Krober (XP), Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, Wenatchee, Washington
  • Jim Kuykendall (XP), Cross Timbers Community Church, Argyle, Texas
  • John Lacey (XP), St. Marks United Methodist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Scott Landon (Director of Finance and Administration), Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, Illinois
  • John Lee (Board Member), Wesleyan Church of Hamburg, Hamburg, New York
  • Namjung Lee (Associate Pastor), Sarang Community Church, Seoul, South Korea
  • Brad Leeper (Senior Stewardship Strategist), Generis Partners, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Jospeh Linn (XP), Redwood Chapel Community Church, Castro Valley, California
  • Peter Livingston (XP), Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, Missouri
  • Doyle Lowry (XP), Kingsland Baptist Church, Katy, Texas
  • Jeff Lundberg, Sanctuary Covenant Church, Mounds View, Minnesota
  • David Lyons (President and Founder), MinisterSearch, Lewisville, Texas
  • Steve Macchia (Founder and President), Leadership Transformation Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Judy Madden (Director of Lay Ministry), St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Burleson, Texas
  • Ron May (XP), Wildwood Church, East Moline, Illinois Greg McClain (SP), Wesleyan Church of Hamburg, Hamburg, New York
  • Matthew McDaniel (Teaching Pastor), Christ Community Church, Tucson, Arizona
  • Ron McDowell (Regional Director—Insurance Marketing), GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas, Texas
  • Michael McElravy (XP), Dove Christian Fellowship—Westgate, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
  • Gary Meek (Administrataive Pastor), Heartland World Ministries Church, Irving, Texas
  • Bill Miller (XP), Crossroads Evangelical Free Church, Albert Lea, Minnesota
  • Milfred Minatrea (Missional Church Specialist), Baptist General Convention of Texas, Dallas, Texas
  • Buddy Mizelle (XP), Christ Community Church, Tucson, Arizona
  • Gilbert Montez (Executive Small Groups Pastor), The Village Church, Flower Mound, Texas
  • Phillip Moore (XP), The Ark Family Church, Conroe, Texas
  • Keith Moore (XP), Dogwood Church, Peachtree City, Georgia
  • Ron Moore (SP), South Hills Bible Chapel, McMurray, Pennsylvania
  • Steve Moore (XP), Victory Family Church, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania
  • Jon Mullican (Minister of Administration), Highland Oaks Church of Christ, Dallas, Texas
  • Doug Murrell (XP), New Life Providence Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Jabulani Mwale (XP), Solid Rock Church of God, CoLouth, Ireland
  • Bill Northrop (XP), South Hills Bible Chapel, McMurray, Pennsylvania
  • Jim Nutt (President), Church Staff Solutions, Denton, Texas
  • Lance Olinski (Business Pastor), Family Worship Center, McKinney, Texas
  • Gary O’Neal (XP), Coeur d’Alene Bible Church, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
  • Scot Overbey (AP), Faith Bible Church, Edmond, Oklahoma
  • Rick Owen (SP), St. Matthew Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Burleson, Texas
  • Jeff Pickard (XP), Midpark Christian Assembly, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Steve Purdum (XP), Four Corners Church, Plano, Texas
  • Steve Raj (Associate Pastor – Outreach), Life Community Chuch, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
  • Rob Ray (Associate Pastor/Church Admin.), First Baptist Church, Millington, Tennessee
  • John Reed (Professor), Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
  • Mike Reed (XP), Northwood Church, Keller, Texas
  • Daryl Reese (Executive Director of Ministries), Creekside Open Bible Church, Martinez, California
  • Dan Reiland (XP), Crossroads Community Church, Lawrenceville, Georgia
  • Clint Rhoney (Associate Pastor), Lucia Baptist Church, Stanley, North Carolina
  • Bill Rose (XP), The First PH Church, Goldsboro, North Carolina
  • Joel Rude (XP), Redwood Covenant Church, Santa Rosa, California
  • Mike Sanders (XP), Washington Heights Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah
  • Carl Sanderson (XP), Evangel Church, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
  • Warren Schuh (President), WS Associates, Thousand Oaks, California
  • Paul Sewell (XP), Oak Hill Baptist Church, Griffin, Georgia
  • Thomas Shelton (XP), Fellowship Bible Church Dallas, Dallas, Texas
  • Phillip Shuford (XP), First Baptist Church at Weston, Weston, Florida
  • J. Simms (XP), Maranatha Church, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
  • Bill Slabaugh (SP), Coeur d’Alene Bible Church, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
  • Toby Slough (SP), Cross Timbers Community Church, Argyle, Texas
  • Nicholas Smith (Assistant Pastor), Bethany Baptist Church, Lindenwold, New Jersey
  • Timothy Smith (Managing Director/Founder), Aslon Group, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
  • Jeff Stewart (XP, Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Brad Sullard (Operations and Development), Center Point Church, North Richland Hills, Texas
  • Frank Summerville (Attorney), Weycer, Kaplan, Pulaski & Zuber, Arlington, Texas
  • Steve Swadley (XP), McKinney Fellowship Bible Church, McKinney, Texas
  • Kim Swyden (XP), Henderson Hills Baptist Church, Edmond, Oklahoma
  • Phillip Taylor (XP), Terra Nova Church, Troy, New York
  • Tim Taylor (XP), Trinity Bible Church, Willow Park, Texas
  • Barry Thompson (XP), Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Sandy Springs, Georgia
  • Ron Thompson (SP), Twin Cities Church, Grass Valley, California
  • John Waak (SP), Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Victoria, Texas
  • Todd Wagner (Pastor), Watermark Community Church, Dallas, Texas
  • Matt Walden (XP), Orchards Community Church, Lewiston, Idaho
  • Jason Wallace (Young Adult Pastor), Trinity Bible Church, Willow Park, Texas
  • Jack Warren (XP), Fellowship Bible Church North, Richardson, Texas
  • Steve Watkins (XP), Southern Hills Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • John Westcott (Executive Minister), Uxbridge Church of the Nazarene, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
  • John Westurn (XP), Five Oaks Community Church, Woodbury, Minnesota
  • Tim Whitehorn (Founder and CEO), ServiceU Corporation, Cordova, Tennessee
  • Rick Whitter (SP), Maranatha Church, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
  • Larry Wilkins (XP), Cielo Vista Church, El Paso, Texas
  • Ken Williams (XP), WoodsEdge Community Church, The Woodlands, Texas