XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church—items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is the 2005 Care Ministries Assistance Policy at Bible Fellowship Church.

The following assistance is available to members of BFC and anyone out in the community:

Food Assistance—Twice a month groceries to 24 families, second and fourth Thursday of each month. Call Care to request this program.

Clothes Closet—Any clothing item free. Men’s, Women’s and Children’s clothes available. Items vary depending on donations. Jackets and coats are available for adults. Some shoes are available. Open Mondays through Thursdays, 9:30 am-3:00 pm. Walk-ins welcome. Call Care for donations or questions.

Food Pantry—Staples are available daily at BFC. Generally, one to two bags of groceries per individual, per week (depending on stock). Multiple bags for families in need with children. Grocery bags may be picked up any time during office hours.  Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am-3:30 pm. Walk-ins welcome. Free.

Referrals to shelters will be provided. All pastors, lay counselors, receptionist and Care staff have the Blue Notebook, with resources of shelters and phone numbers readily accessible.

Financial assistance may be available from time to time, depending on the church budget and the following limitations and guidelines:

  1. A Request for Financial Assistance Form must be completed and turned into the Care Ministry.
  2. Copies of bills to be paid, including utilities or medical, are to be submitted with the Financial Assistance Form.
  3. For rental or mortgage assistance, a copy of the rental agreement or lease must be attached to the Financial Assistance Form, or a copy of the mortgage payment.
    1. The contract must be signed.
    2. The landlord or Property Management’s name clearly legible.
    3. Phone number of rental office or landlord.
    4. References will be verified before request is submitted.
  4. Direct talks must take place between the person requesting the funds and a Care Ministry representative.
  5. Employment reference may be contacted to confirm employment.

Monetary Limit

This information is for the Care Ministry and the Senior Executive Pastor:

  1. For BFC member: Up to $1,000 per request may be paid under the Care Pastor’s discretion.
  2. For a non-BFC Member: Under the discretion of the Care Pastor, $150 is the limit of assistance that may be paid.
  3. Non-BFC Members will be required to sign the Acknowledgement of Assistance, which clearly states that this is a gift and that no further financial assistance can be authorized until the individual has successfully completed a Crown Ministries course.
  4. An Acknowledgement of Assistance must be signed by anyone receiving financial assistance.


On a motion by Jack Monroe, seconded by Bob Ellis, the Board moved that Connie Wellik maintain a team of at least two other people, one of which must be a male. The purpose of the team is to approve financial aid amounts over $1,000 to any family or person in a 12-month period. Connie will make all decisions on aid of $1,000 or less.