Sunday, September 16, 2018

Insanity is Hereditary—You Can Get It from Your Kids

DRF—Being a grandparent is an ideal place in life. We get all the benefits of loving on those grandkids without the responsibly. Parenting is serious business. You have to pass a test to get a driver license (and, yes, “driver license” is the way that government’s issue the licenses, not “driver’s license”). No license is needed for the biggest role in your life … to be a parent.

There are times when kids will seemingly make you insane for the day. As our kids grew older, I shared this aphorism with them. When they were in their teens, they would roll their eyes. Once married, and even more when kids came along, they saw the wisdom in the phrase.

Sure, kids do zany things. Remember though, raising them is one of the ultimate privileges and pleasures in life. You are shaping the next generation.