XPastor tries to help churches by providing some of the essentials for running a church—items like job descriptions, employment applications, review forms and policies. Below is a Children’s Ministry Volunteer Application from Northwest Bible Church in Dallas, Texas.

This survey is to be completed by all those desiring a ministry position involving the supervision or custody of minors. It is being used to help the church provide a safe and secure environment for those children who participate in our programs and use our facilities.

Name:__________________________Social Security #__________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Home Phone:________________Work Phone:__________________



Driver’s License #__________________ State_____ Expiration_____________

Have you made a personal decision to trust Christ?_______If so, when? ____________________________________________________________

Give a brief testimony about your personal walk with the Lord. ______________________________________________________________________

Please check the position you are volunteering for (may be more than one position):

______Nursery                                      ______1st-3rd Grade Worship

______Preschool                                   ______4th-6th GradeWorship

______1st-3rd Grade Equipping        ______Wednesday Night Spotlight LIVE

______4th-6th Grade Equipping       ______Saturday Night (Nurs., Presch., Elem.)

If other, please describe:____________________________________________

Do you attend an adult Sunday School class?____If so, which class?_____________

How long have you attended NBC?__________Are you a member?_____________

What church did you attend previously?_________________How long?________

Did you serve with children there?____________If so, what age?______________

Why do you want to serve with kids?_____________________________________

List any gifts, training, education or other factors that have prepared you to work with children._________________________________________________________

Please check the services or groups you regularly attend:___Sunday 1st hour __Sunday 2nd hour ____Other

Please list any other Northwest Bible Church ministries you are involved in:__________________

References from Northwest Bible Church or last church attended:

(May not be family members. Please give complete information on both references.)

Name: ________________________________Relationship:_______________

Address: _________________________City:_____________State/Zip:____________

Phone:_____________________Work Phone:_____________________



Phone:______________________Work Phone:___________________________

Have you ever had a problem with alcohol abuse?__________

(If yes, please explain)_____________________________________________________

Have you used illegal drugs in the past 5 years?_____________ (If yes, please explain)_______________________________________________________________

Were you ever abused physically or sexually as a child?______________

Have you had any painful experiences in your life that have better equipped you or may hinder you from a productive ministry with children? _______________________________________

Would you like to meet with a pastor regarding this circumstance? ______________________

Have you ever been charged with child abuse? ____________________________________

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony, other than a parking violation) in a court of law? ____________ If so, please provide the nature of the offense, date of conviction, and court location._______________________________________________

Is there any fact or circumstance involving you or your background that would call into question your being entrusted with the supervision, guidance and care of young people? __________ If yes, explain below ___________________________________________________________

Applicant’s Statement
I have trusted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

I am in substantial agreement with the Northwest Bible Church Doctrinal Statement and I agree to teach nothing contradictory to this statement.

The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that NBC may do further background checks on my personal driving record and criminal history (if any). I release NBC from any responsibility from doing such a check. I understand that this information will be used to determine my eligibility for a volunteer position. I also understand that as long as I remain a volunteer here, NBC may repeat the driving and criminal background history record checks at any time.

I authorize any references, churches, or other organizations listed in this application to give you any information they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with children and I release all such references from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you.

Northwest Bible Church Teacher’s Covenant

Having committed to the ministry of teaching and the habits essential for spiritual maturity, and having attended new teacher orientation, I commit to:

  • Prepare for ministry by maintaining my personal relationship with Christ.
  • Support the teaching ministry by praying for the church and Sunday School staff, the other teachers and specifically the children in my class.
  • Cooperate with other ministries and place the greater good of the whole body over the needs of my ministry.
  • Continue my personal growth and education by participating in teacher training.
  • I understand that my service commitment is from_________________________to ________________.
  • I understand that this information will be held confidential and in signing this application, I affirm that the information I have given is true and correct.The parties to this agreement are Christians and believe that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 6:1-8). Therefore, the parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to this agreement shall be settled by biblically-based mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker Ministries (complete text of the rules is available at www.HisPeace.org). Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.Applicant’s Signature________________________________Date________________

    Applicant Checklist (Office Use Only)
    Interview Date __________________By___________________________________
    Minister’s Signature_______________________ Entered by ____________________ Comments:_________________________________________________________

    Children’s Ministry Request for Reference Letter

    Dear ________________,

    We would like to request your help in our endeavor to safeguard the children entrusted to our care at Northwest Bible Church and to also safeguard the reputations of our teachers. __________________________ has given you as a reference as she/he has accepted our invitation to serve in one of our children’s areas. We would appreciate it if you would take a moment to answer the following questions:

    1. How long have you known the applicant? (years or months)________________________

    2. In what capacity have you known the applicant?_______________________________

    3. Is the applicant a person you would consider suitable to work with children?____________

4. Does the applicant have any strengths or weaknesses you would consider applicable?__________


Your name___________________________ Your signature_________________________
Please check this box if you wish to discuss any answers in confidence, and I will call you (include a daytime phone number where you can be contacted __________________).

Thank you for helping us to maintain a strong program for our children.

Volunteer Interview Checklist

Volunteer’s Name________________________________ Date_________________ Address_____________________________________City______________Zip______ Phone (Home)________________________ (Work)____________________________

  • Why does he/she want to work with children?
  • Experience working with children?
  • What are his/her spiritual gifts?
  • Has he/she made a personal decision to trust Jesus Christ?
  • Give brief testimony.
  • Discussed the importance of Children’s Ministry.
  • Discussed number of other commitments this person has.
  • Discussed the length of service expected, i.e. Sept.-June, Sept.-Aug.
  • Discussed the specific hours of service involved.
  • Any past history of physical or sexual abuse of children?
  • Gave NBC Doctrinal Statement to read.
  • Must attend annual training programs.



Decision/Date______________ Yes   No   Later (Circle one)

Service covenant signed.


Minister’s Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

Ministry Covenant (used by Nursery, Sunday School, VBS, Wed. Night,)

  • I have read and understand the responsibilities of a Children’s Ministry Volunteer and will fulfill those responsibilities to the best of my abilities. I understand that the commitment is every other Sunday for the period of September 2002-June 2003.
  • I will attend 2002 Teacher Training or contact (the responsible minister) at (214) 368-7092.
  • I hereby covenant to lead a Christ-honoring lifestyle and to do nothing to bring disgrace to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Northwest Bible Church, or to this ministry.
  • I have never engaged in any form of physical or sexual child abuse.
  • I have discussed with the minister in charge of this department any form of physical or sexual child abuse (if applicable) that was committed against me.
  • I have trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
  • I am committed to worshipping regularly at Northwest Bible Church.
  • The parties to this agreement are Christians and believe that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 6:1-8). Therefore, the parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to this agreement shall be settled by biblically-based mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker Ministries (complete text of the rules is available at www.HisPeace.org). Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.Signed_____________________________________________ Date_______________________Name (please print)__________________________________________After reading the ministry description, fill out the Children’s Ministry Volunteer Application. Please mail both the application and the signed Ministry Covenant to the NBC Children’s Ministry in the self-addressed, stamped envelope within the next day or two. If we already have an application on file for you, you will not have received an application; please return only this covenant. Thank you.

View the original PDF: Childrens Ministry Volunteer Application