Dave Travis has a great e-book on Smart Succession. This is available for a free download from this page. Dave successfully steered Leadership Network for many years and now is the Director of Strategic Counsel to Pastors and Boards at Generis. Here is what Dave says about his e-book:

“Smart Succession” outlines 7 key signposts to help churches navigate this challenging process …

For decades, I’ve been around larger churches during leadership transition periods. I’ve heard all the stories and seen all the possibilities: the good, the bad, and the ugly. But I believe we’re entering an era of new and better succession processes. More of the good, fewer of the bad, and hopefully almost none of the ugly.

In the most successful stories, leaders have known and followed the right signposts. There’s always a path that leads in the direction we deeply wish to go, no matter what the obstacles may be. The concerns, problems, and anxieties will always be there. Change is always going to make demands. Over the past decade, however, the system for Smart Succession is starting to prevail.

This is available for a free download from this page.