Each question in the free Qnnection app leads to a meaningful conversation. The app is designed to empower and enable the individual to improve conversation, small talk and daily interactions rooted in the rhythm and routine we see in God.

This app is simple in function, but powerful in its intention. It will allow you to have meaningful dialogue around the dinner table, with your children, through Social Media and ultimately with people at the grocery store, car wash or your favorite coffee spot. Now, imagine being consistent with people you engage in your community with these questions. You might just find that over time you begin to see people gravitate toward you because you have shown interest, care and love for them through the art of intentional question asking. Let’s move beyond questions like how are you, what do you do, to deeper more engaging interactions where we mine the gold like a prospector from their hearts and lives.

In Genesis 2:18 is says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” We take for granted the people around us. We get caught thinking people are like holograms, they are there, but they aren’t really there. We have to get passionate about connection, it is so valuable. There is communication and there is connection. Communication is the exchange of information which often leaves us feeling empty. Have you ever been somewhere with lots of people and felt all alone? How is that possible? You aren’t connected. Whose responsibility is it to connect with people? It’s yours.

Connection is an exchange of humanity, an exchange of emotion, an exchange of divinity. Have you have ever been happy, sad, or scared? Of course, we all have. No matter where you go on this planet, we all kneel over graves and cry, get butterflies when telling someone we love them for the first time, get sick to our stomach when we hear children are missing, and feel sad when we hear about death or loss. We are human beings.

Until someone has an emotional connection to you, people aren’t going to listen or care very much about what you have to say. Think of someone who had a massive impact when you were young, such as a neighbor, teacher or custodian. Did you like them because they were articulate or they smelled nice? Probably not. I was because you felt they cared about you.

Questions create conversations, conversations create connection, and connection creates community. We forget that one of the tools that Jesus used to transform lives was questions. He asked 300+ questions in the New Testament. Questions like:

  • Do you want to get well?
  • What are you looking for?

God the Father asked questions all throughout scripture as well. He asked Adam, Where are you? He asked a plethora of questions to Job (Job 38-41). Questions forge intimacy, communicate interest and value in the people in front of us, and unlock the hearts of humanity.

What if evangelism was more simple than we have thought or imagined. Complexity precedes simplicity. The simplicity of seeing people, being present with people, being interested in people so that we might meet them where they are with the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Intentional questions might be one of the tools we see in the life of Jesus that created transformation.