Thursday, November 15, 2018

Hey Fletch … What if one has been looking for nine years and submitted resumes to over fifty different churches with very few interviews. What should I do?

DRF—I’m sorry to hear that. I applaud your desire to serve in a local church. You have great tenacity!

I would suggest that you talk to a coach. Your resume or cover letter could be off-putting. Regularly I review resumes and find many are poorly crafted. Check out the Great Resumes page on XPastor.

God could be speaking to you to stay in business. You may need more education or experience for the jobs you are applying for. There are lots of things to consider.

Some great ministry workers have full-time jobs in business. Friends of ours have used their gifts to launch a recovery ministry in their church. With a team of dedicated folks, that ministry has helped thousands of people struggling with addictions, family issues and personal struggles. This husband and wife have done that every Thursday evening for years.

You may find great fulfillment in leading a ministry in your church … as a business person.