Saturday, April 7, 2018

Hey Fletch … I doubt you remember me but I was part of a group in 2011. I am currently an XP of Operations. I serve under two Co-Lead Pastors…two young guys who are great! I wanted to ask if you have any metrics/information on the percentage of an overall church budget that goes towards the entire Worship, Arts, Marketing, Media department? We are a church of 1000+ with an annual budget of $1.3 million. So, for example should the percentage be 5%, 10%, 15% or 20%? 

DRF—Of course I remember you, beginning with the time that we met for coffee. Even lately, when I was doing some XPastor work, I saw your paper. It has helped thousands!

It can be challenging to answer your question because church budgets vary so much in what they include. My rule of thumb is to include the following budget areas: Communications, Welcome Team, Information Technology, Audio-Visual Technology Capital &  Maintenance, and all Worship expenses. As I reviewed budgets from several churches, the number was 10% of General Fund expenses.