Hey Fletch2024-03-18T20:52:25-05:00

Favorite “Hey Fletch” Questions

From hundreds of “Hey Fletch” posts, here are a few favorites. Around the globe, people tune into Fletch’s warm and sound advice. He’s a friend bringing an objective perspective, broad knowledge and vast experience.

Send your question to Fletch. Get a prompt and confidential reply.

Questions for an XP Interview

Hey Fletch … I am interviewing for an XP role in a church in another city in Europe. I am part of the shortlist of 3 people. Can you suggest some answers to prepare? DRF—Congratulations [...]

Bullying and Harassment

Hey Fletch … An article on XPastor mentions a doctoral dissertation by Dr. Art Hunt, I Never Expected This Would Happen To Me. I would be very grateful if you could let me know how [...]

45 Minute Meetings

Hey Fletch … I heard you say once that you often limit meetings with staff to 45 minutes. Can you explain that to me? DRF—Your memory is better than mine. I don’t recall saying that [...]

Can a Church Pay FICA for a Pastor?

Hey Fletch … It’s been one month after I got your answer to my question. I still don’t have my head wrapped around this issue of FICA vs. SECA and how it relates to Housing [...]

Staff Budgets Are Cut

Hey Fletch … I’m been on staff at our megachurch for many years. Every year, I have to worry about the budget for my area being cut in the middle of the year, sometimes twice [...]

Staff Not Responding to Email

Hey Fletch … I send out emails to our staff and don’t get a response. What should I do? DRF—First, make sure that your emails ask for a response. Keep each email with just one [...]

Issues with Assistant for a Blind Pastor

Hey Fletch … Our church is processing what I learned at the workshop on Smart Money for Church Salaries. We are trying to come to grips with part-time employees not being able to volunteer [...]

XP Job Description 

Hey Fletch … I've been asked to take on the role of XP at our church. Would you be willing to review this job description and provide feedback? DRF—Congratulations on the new role. I’m thrilled [...]

Not a Pastor, Can I Lead a Wedding?

Hey Fletch … What does the Bible say about who can perform a wedding? Are they any state or federal laws on it? I’m asking because I’ve been asked to do a friend’s wedding but [...]

Calls from Angry Church Members

Hey Fletch … I’m new to dealing with church relationships. Sitting in the Director of Finance chair, I receive calls from disturbed congregants. I struggle with this. I don’t understand how followers of Christ can [...]

The Role of Care Pastors

Hey Fletch … I want to ask you about the structuring of our adult care ministry. We are a church of two campuses, with our main campus having 3,000 people per weekend. We care/minister to [...]

Automatic Rollover of Housing Allowances

Hey Fletch … At the Smart Money for Church Salaries workshop, you referenced some language you used on the housing allowance form. This allows the amounts to roll over year after year without a [...]

Thoughts About Moving On

Hey Fletch … I have been feeling that I should move on from this senior pastor position. I’m not a pushy person. But to stay, I will have to be quite forceful with several leaders. [...]

Don’t Hire Friends Because They Are Friends

Don’t Hire Friends Because They Are Friends DRF--Hiring a friend often occurs because you know and trust them. You like them. These are great attributes—knowing, trusting and liking. It certainly beats hiring people you don’t [...]