XPastor—Expanding the Business Brain + Pastoral Heart2024-04-25T10:57:37-05:00

8 Slides: New Salary Levels

Win a $1,500 Salary Study

XPastor is about to cross over another billion dollar mark in church budgets in the Salary Forecaster.

If you submit your data to the Salary Forecaster, and it is the one that crosses the next billion dollar mark, you will get a free $1,500 Salary Study!

To enter, all you have to do is submit a Salary Forecaster.

Help put us over the next benchmark and be a winner with us.

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“Hey Fletch” Questions

Why Church Membership?

Hey Fletch … Why should people become members of a church and what are the tangible benefits of doing so? I need to give people a good reason, other than the spiritual ones, to [...]

The Equality Act

Hey Fletch …  This week we had a leadership discussion around the Equality Act.  Our senior pastor brought this topic up in an elder meeting. It raised some questions worth answering or trying to answer. Our [...]

Sexual Harassment in the Church

Hey Fletch … I would like to bring our staff through some type of sexual harassment training and share our sexual harassment policy. Are you aware of any videos, articles or resources that you [...]

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Building a Splinter-Free Team Culture

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