This book is a must read for snowed-under ministry leaders like you. Not only will it add some fun in your schedule, but Seth Godin’s Linchpin is like a mental kaleidoscope for opening up your creative genius, and for re-imagining the profound opportunities in the midst of the technological, societal and cultural shifts of our day.

This book is of unique value, especially for executive and associate pastors in the local church. In many ways, humanly speaking, you are the hub in the system that keeps things well oiled, synchronized, and working together. You are the one critically tasked with the implementation process for your team. How else can your ministry reach the mission?

It is true that you may not always be on the stage, or at the center of the buzz, but you know it, your spouse knows it, and a few others know that without you pulling all the pieces together, the church and community would be a very different place.

You are God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10) and, though still a work in progress (Phil. 1:6), add more value than you may realize.

Maybe you have forgotten how important you really are as a servant of our Savior. Perhaps you’re stuck in a rut, overwhelmed with the changes taking place all around you, and feel out of control.

Take a deep breath, take an afternoon to get away and enjoy a little reading fun.

You won’t regret it.